The Artichoke Flower in China Town
The day after our evening of Art2Go, Margy, John, CJ and I spent the day walking around the city. We discovered this little tea shop -- a gem of a place in congested China Town. Hundreds of glass jars filled with tea lined the shelves on one wall. On the other, "tea bartenders" were brewing tea for customers to sample. The teas had names like "Yellow Sweet" or "Artichoke Flower." Margy said it sounded like poetry. We saw the "Artichoke Flower" tea transform from a shrivelled up pod to a full flower submerged in water.

A very charismatic "Tea Bartender"
John browsing the hundreds of teas that lined the left wall
What a great day that was! There's nothing like meandering through the streets of San Francisco with no destination in mind.
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