Thursday, August 31, 2006

Photos from Amy Nicholson

Here are some photos from Amy Nicholson. I don't believe these were shown at the last Art2Go.

A courtyard in Barcelona: Rear Window meets Escher

The timeworn wall seems to speak about the texture of this man's life

An existentialist look at Jack in the Gag


At 8/31/2006 9:30 PM, Blogger Ha said...

This photo reminds me of my mother, not because she looks like these women, but now that she's retired, sometimes she and my father or their friends would go to the local McDonalds with their thermos of tea and order 2 for 1 apple pies. They'd have serious conversations about life, sitting next to Ronald McDonald. The conversation would always include, "how did we get here? How lucky we are to be living in America, sitting in McDonalds..."

At 8/31/2006 9:30 PM, Blogger Ha said...

This photo reminds me of my mother, not because she looks like these women, but now that she's retired, sometimes she and my father or their friends would go to the local McDonalds with their thermos of tea and order 2 for 1 apple pies. They'd have serious conversations about life, sitting next to Ronald McDonald. The conversation would always include, "how did we get here? How lucky we are to be living in America, sitting in McDonalds..."

At 9/01/2006 1:14 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Great photos Amy! I especially like the image of the two elderly women holding hands. There is an angelic ring around the woman on the right due to the reflection in the glass. Maybe it's not a reflection...!

Keep it up Amy!


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