Saturday, September 23, 2006

Online Men Poetry Thread

Online men are less scary then men in the flesh. They are numbers and words and pictures. They all say they like to kiss like they have been reading Cosmopolitan which says women don’t like the act as much as the foreplay. I imagine that they dream of throwing away their Viagra and slouching their bellies against my butt cheeks, snuggling and babbling on about their days while I raise my eyebrows facing the wall and talking to my inner self asking why did I think I wanted this when what I want is a man I invent who knows me and who wakes up with a hard-on and jumps who I am.

Margy H. has began this initial thread, feel free to add your own about online love.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Uncles Rex's Music Diary

Our good friend, James Sigismonti aka Uncle Rex has posted a new blog -- a music diary of sorts where he posts and review worthy original bands/artists. He also has a recommended list of things to do while listening to the album.That's quite helpful for me, since I would've never thought of "lying alone in your bed picking lint from your belly button" while listening to Ray La Montagne. I'm sure that would greatly heighten the music listening experience to a whole new level. Thank goodness for cultural sages like Uncle Rex. We would never know what to do with ourselves otherwise.

Check out Uncle Rex's new blog. He's also linked from this blog under "Friends."