Friday, May 04, 2007

Art2Go is now a non-profit

Because we want to ride the momentum of Kangaroo, we have made art2go a non-profit organization. This enables to us to raise funds to produce future events and provide an arena for artists to share their work on a more regular basis.

art2go will soon host smaller monthly events, similar to our previous art2go evenings where we can bring work in progress for critiques.

Next public projects in the horizon, The Spoken Word.

Donate to art2go to support the local art scene and get a tax write-off.

See you all at the stage reading of Kangaroo!

Some prose from Bill, Margy's brother about Kangaroo:

Hi Margy,

Your play will be indeed spannend, bedeutend, herzzerreißend, beruhigend, tränenerfüllt, a premier which will touch the hearts and spirits of all those in attendence. Somehow I will be there too Margy, somehow during the early morning hours of Germany, words and feelings will catch the wings of the jetstream, will follow the route of the swallows and land in the land of the Saxe, in the land of Martin Luther, in the land of the Germanen, in the land in which the combined forces of Russia, Prussia, Poland and Germany defeated the forces of Napolean, the land where the American and Russian armies met during the Second World War on the bridge near Torgau, crossing the Elbe, in the land where an industry, the solar industry is establishing itself as a future energy source, in a land where composers like Bach and Mendelsohn, Händel worked and lived, composing their pieces of music, in a land where poets and writers like Goethe and Schiller lived and loved, a land with countless castles, cathedrals and museums, of natural wonders, of man-made wonders. How did I end up giving a guided tour of Saxony? Margy, may your introduction into the world of the theater be the beginning. Take care and greetings to your loved ones. Bill

A stage reading of Kangaroo will be at the North Coast Repertory Theater on Monday, May 7th.